Sunday, March 18, 2007

Reading Prompt #8

CUMMINS Ch. 3. AssessmentEGBERT Ch. 8. Assessment
What is the difference between traditional standardized testing and authentic assessment? Describe how computers can be used for both. Which do you feel is a better use of computers? Describe examples from the readings or from your own experiences how comptures can be used effectively for assessment, and/or how to effectively assess the work students do via the computer.

We are all familiar with standardized testing--think GRE! Is it authentic? Hardly, as the purpose is to pidgeon-hole the student in a percentile, and does not provide a comprehensive evaluation, or rationale for what is considered correct or incorrect on the test. A recent "improvement" makes the test more sensitive to correct and incorrect answers, and adjusts questions depending on the previous answer. However, this is hardly authentic. Authentic testing is defined as tests which make assessments NOT on zip-codes or social class necessarily, but on intentional cognitive effort (what the student has learned) and achievement, such as work portfolios, which may include a variety of output.

Most computer-based assessment is standardized; however, Egbert lists several websites which offer assessment of a range of activities. Students are encouraged to post thier work to the web for feedback from their peers as well as their teachers, and from experts who can be made available. In the latter case, the computer is NOT the evaluator, but merely the transmitter, of information, which then is reviewed by a human being. This latter point is very important, as computer evaluation alone is soulless and tends to discourage, rather than stimulate, learning.

Work done on the computer in audio or graphics programs can be evaluated versus submissions by other students. This would include not only the subject matter being evaluated, but facility and creativity with the software. Once more, it is important that a person be available for evaluation and that computer skills be taken into consideration along with the subject matter assigned.