Thursday, February 1, 2007

Make My Day?

Have you ever thought about what or who makes your day? When you get right down to it, there is only one person who can make, or break your day. . . YOU. Whatever you perceive all has to go through your "filter" in order to interpret whether it is "the good, the bad, or the ugly." Beginning to re-train yourself to interpret people and events with understanding and sympathy, "Learned Optimism," can make a marked difference in your life, and that includes everything and everyone around you. So, Dirty Harry, I can not only make your day, but mine as well!

I thought you might enjoy the picture of Landshut, Germany above. It was taken by my friends Mauricette and Guy, who live near Paris (France, not Texas!) I used to work in this town, and loved the beautifully restored buildings and history on every corner. How lucky I was and am now, to be in another very historic town, San Antonio.

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